Set Up Your Teachable Course Platform

The preferred course platform is Teachable. I use this platform because it is, very easy to use and to navigate, the payouts are easy, the Helpdesk is on point and the educational component and end-user experience is great!

Your next steps are:

  • Set up your course is to open a Teachable account. The Teachable account that I use is the Basic one which is $39/month. Click here to open your Teachable account:
  • Once your account is open, COMMENT BELOW.


We will work hand in hand to set up your course in your Teachable platform over the next few weeks and will go into detail regarding your course setup.

*I am a Teachable Affiliate and I receive a small commission for each person who uses my link to register and setup their Teachable School/Account.


You may have an online course platform that you prefer to use which is perfectly fine.

However, please note that my expertise is with the Teachable platform.

Great news! This will not prevent us from proceeding with developing your school and course. As we progress you will need to share screenshots of your progress, as needed, so that I can assist you as needed.

NEXT WEEK: We will determine your course pricing structure.

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